
They had enjoyed their new house and the garden the many years they had lived there. After a while, they were both busy most every day just keeping it the garden in order. She had joked many times that they should make it smaller, or they would eventually go insane with so many plants. Of course he had just shrugged his shoulders and kept on going with the endless watering and weeding. And instead of shrinking, the garden just seemed to be expanding. After a while, they had sprinklers to keep their crop’s watered, which helped a lot.

It was perhaps odd to think off all that had happened in their long life together and how it had all started. How they went from just the two of them, to having a family, friends and in the end, a world where androids and humans were finally living, at least mostly, as equals.


Their children had children of their own, and eventually, they had grandchildren and their family grew around them. Madison would mock him that it was a bit like their garden really, growing ever bigger.


Not that she complained about it, she loved all of them! And the highlight of every year was when they all gathered at their home, to celebrate winterfest together. A house full of family was she could ever have wished for, be they blood or chosen family.


Being around kids so much helped her feel young, always being told what the latest new thing was, so she was always, at least almost, up to date on the latest new fab.

“Will you come to our birthday?”
“Of course I will!”

She had been to more birthdays than she could remember, probably more parties too by now. There had been plenty of weddings, a couple of deaths from age or accidents. But all things considered, it had been a very good, long life.

The mix between Liam’s and North’s two serums had with time been perfected. And was available for anyone that wanted to have a long life. They had decided that to make it equally available for everyone that it would be free, and all you had to do was sign a form that you were sure this is what you wanted.


They had several pets along the way, and although loosing one was always hard, they simply couldn’t imagine living life without them.


“You doing okay over there?”
“Yep, almost done, how about you?”
“By the way.. I was thinking, should we get bees?”
“Eh, why? Only yesterday you said we had enough work with this garden.”
“We could get our own honey? and it would probably help the plants?”
“Well, if you are sure, remember they can sting you.”

And so they ended up having bees in their garden. Which came with the popular addition of honey to their produce, something everyone in the family were pretty happy about.


He had asked her about her parents in the end. Curiosity got the better of him when he read one of the books she explained he himself had written about her growing up, just in case he would one day forget. At first she had been worried it would trigger memories like it once had, but there had been none.

“What will you do when I’m gone?”
“I don’t know.. something?”
“That’s not an answer.”
“Sure it is, besides, I have a better idea off how to spend our evening.”

He always avoided answering her one way or another. In the end she simply stopped asking it, even if she was still wondering what his plans could be.

Beginning Previous End

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