What if Vy had never poked Hayden?


One of the most defining moments in these two lives this poke.. but what if he never did. (I will hide it under a line, because, well.. its one possible option is not so nice.)

Well, there are two possible options, and I will give you the worst outcome first. If Vy never pokes Hayden, they never talk, they never get to know the other, and after a while, the hunters do find Vy, and the only thing that would happen is that Hayden would noticie him no longer being around the liberary. 

For Vy on the other hand, he would be in the hunters power, they would use and exploit him because he is young. Extract his horns, harvest his feathers, take blood sample after blood sample until he was finally too weak to give anymore, and then they would take his hearts and Vy would be no more. 

For Hayden, not having Vy in his life would mean he would not get as bad, but he would also never get better.. The endless feeling off holding everyone back, always having to care for him, and of course the fact that he lives in constant pain and without much off a life results in him ending it. To free both him and his family all in one. 

Okay, so the other outcome. 

Hayden eventually gets to the point where Vy staring at him whenever he is in the liberary and the endless pushing from Ryan makes him go and talk to him. Which freaks Vy out asking what he is, and why he isn’t afraid of hunters, Hayden casually answering, and in the end, they would end up right where they are now. (Both good and bad) 


I know Hayden is very lucky to have Vy in his life, and I can’t imagine Hayden without Vy now. Thank you again for making Vy for me and all the help with building both him and Rivers relationships! ?

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